THE COST OF A HAPPY HOME When you see a happy couple, do not envy them or assume they are lucky to find each other. There is no happy home anywhere. If you see any, be sure they were made. Being a good person or being religious does not make a happy home, neither do riches and wealth. Marrying the most beautiful woman or the most handsome man does not guarantee happiness in marriage either. Many Christians even think marrying another good Christian is a sure way to having a happy home, but many have been disappointed. What, then makes up a happy home? A happy home is a function of mutual fulfilment derived from a mutual selfless commitment to the marital union. Having a happy home can only be achieved by deliberate efforts and determination of both parties. No matter how much a partner desires a happy home, it can only happen if the other partner wants and agrees to build a happy home. To achieve a happy home, therefore, both parties must first die at the cross of marriage. They must both first offer themselves as a living sacrifice on the altar of their marriage. They must deny themselves and be willing to accept their cross. In a happy home, ego and selfishness are buried in the grave of marital bliss. Partners in a happy home do not think too much about themselves but the happiness of their spouse. The journey to a happy home can be initiated by the man or the woman. This journey starts with contentment and diligence. Then, it continues in daily forgiveness and mutual tolerance. No couple is happy when they continue to look at each other’s weaknesses or offences. They can only be happy if they choose to accept each other’s shortcomings and offences and take their pains and hurts to the cross of Jesus, instead of romance with them. Happy couples do not win arguments, rather, they communicate to achieve a better union. Happy couples do not compare their marriages with others, they are happy and contented with what they have. Happy homes are not meant for selfish and inconsiderate partners. Happiness is a choice but the price is not cheap. Only the humble and the broken can buy it. The manual for a happy home is not designed by the society or social media. They are designed by the couple. The ideal home must not follow the acceptable trends in society, rather working and practising what makes the parties happy. You can initiate the journey to a happy home today no matter how far you have travelled in the path of bitterness and unforgiveness. An unhappy home is a junior sibling to hellfire. A happy home is a reflection of heavenly bliss. The choice is yours today.

Sometimes you don’t know what you have until you loose it by being ignorant. Dear wives , husbands, boyfriends , girlfriends, fiancees and fiances ( siblings , family members )with due respect let’s account what we have now. Don’t complain later when the waters are shaken…. Take care of your beloved ones , value them , Respect and honor them. Don’t take anything for granted. Appreciate them . Show them love by any means of whatever your love language is. Pray , play , Fast , Communicate and Spoil each other. Nothing touches someone else heart then saying ,” thanks” ” I’m sorry” , ” I was wrong”. What can I do to make it upto you ? Don’t listen to naysayers. Keep what you started from the beginning , keep the romance . Remember your dreams , visions and missions together. Don’t forget where you are coming from . Focus on you ( your family) ….when the dog is barking give the dog a bone to keep it busy while you’re progressing…means give them something to talk about while you’re working hard . Stubbornness, ignorance and I don’t attitudes will not take you anywhere…… Keep in mind what you don’t value someone else is praying for it . So be grateful value what you have , stop comparing , stop complaining and learn to compromise . God gives what is best for you , not what you want but what you need. The family that pray together ,stay together. ~ Dr WITTY

As the year is about to end . Don’t forget how far you have come , where God took you , people who helped you . Please be grateful because God have be there for you. He helped you to overcome all the obstacles, tests and challenges… You may be achieved all your 2019 year resolutions , or perhaps not , if not don’t give up on yourself. God is a God of a second chance. As you enter 2020 go into it with new powerful expectations. Don’t limit God , let Him do His work. And avail yourself to him and his work. Serve ,like you never served before. Work hard like never before. Pray like you never prayed before .God bless you all. ~ Dr WITTY